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ScrumMaster Salary Survey 2015

It’s finally out! Our 2015 South African salary survey. This year we included ScrumMasters, agile coaches and consultants since we are seeing more coaches emerging in South Africa. Take a look at the infographic below to see our analysis.

If you’d like to do your own data analysis, here is the raw data.

We got some data from outside of South Africa which we excluded. Yves Hanoulle is doing a similar salary survey globally, so please fill in his survey.

If you would have any of your own insights from looking at the data, or have some suggestions for questions we should add to the survey in future, please leave a comment.

3 thoughts on “ScrumMaster Salary Survey 2015”

  1. Pingback: Scrum Master Salary Survey 2015 | Agilocity

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