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Our first book!

We are super excited to announce that we have just published our first book! It’s a short collection of 10 games on collaboration. We have published it via Leanpub and best of all it’s free! You can download a copy today.

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Over the past year we have investigated lots of options for sharing our collection of games. We tried out some physical flashcards, but printing costs were pretty prohibitive and sharing them global would involve snail mail. We looked into a ipad app, but realised it was overkill for what we needed. We tried a website, but somehow that didn’t seem right either. Then someone recommended Leanpub and we checked it out. It was exactly what we needed. A simple way to publish the games and have them automatically available in PDF, epub and mobi. So you can have the games on hand on your computer, ipad, kindle or whatever else you prefer. You can even print out the PDF if you prefer good old fashioned paper.

Being agile the first book is our minimal viable product, 10 games. Please check them out, give them a try and send us feedback. Let us know if we can improve them and if you are interested in more.

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