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Have lunch with TED

Agile is about continuous improvement. How do get inspiration for new things to try to improve? We look in many places: books, blog posts, colleagues. However these all take time. Need new ideas in your lunch-break?

Our suggestion is to watch one TED video each day at lunch for a week

Then see how you can use those ideas at work. If you aren’t familiar with TED, they are short (<20 minutes) talks by fantastic speakers on a range of different topics: Technology, Education and Design. Here are a few of our favourite's to get you started: Simon Sinek – How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Daniel Pink – The Surprising Science of Motivation

Brene Brown – The Power of Vulnerability

Malcolm Gladwell – On choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce

Matt Smith – The Failure Bow

Happy watching. If you find some other good ones, please share in the comments.

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