Seeing as it’s a new year, I decided to use Google Analytics and see what the trends show for the Growing Agile website. What pages do people actually visit? Which blog posts were huge hits? Here is what I found …
I compared 2012 to 2013 to see what was happening:
Unique visitors: up 234% (WOW!!!)
The average visit dropped a little but its almost 3 minutes – I think thats a good sign, hopefully it means people are reading whats on our site.
Then I looked at where people live, the majority of our visitors are South African, unsurprising since we live here. But our international traffic is growing. It appears we are becoming better known in the US, UK and Canada!
Country | 2013 | 2012 |
SA | 30% | 48% |
US | 22% | 13% |
UK | 7% | 5% |
India | 5% | 6% |
Germany | 4% | 4% |
Canada | 3% | 2% |
For some fun I looked at the browsers people are using. Chrome is the vast majority at 46%, and then Internet Explorer at 17%.
And what operating systems are being used? Majority Windows at 60%, then Mac 20%, IOS 11%, Android 5%.
I took a look at the number of pageviews for our blog and that has grown by 163% (YAY!).
As for our blog posts. In 2013 we aimed to blog once a week. It seems we succeeded since we had 53 blog posts last year. Compared to 23 the year before!
Here are the top 3 blog posts for 2013:
and the top 3 for 2012:
All in all it seems 2013 was a big year for us – I hope we keep growing in 2014!