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Training Scrum

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Welcome to the “Growing Agile: A Coach’s Guide to Training Scrum” downloads page.

If you don’t yet have the book – go and get it here:!

This book is part of a series of books to help coach’s educate on topics around Scrum and Agile.

Part of the ScrumMaster** role is to ensure everyone in their organisation is educated about Scrum. Over the last few years we have come across many ScrumMasters who have great intentions of running training. Unfortunately they get bogged down in the preparation and don’t ever get round to delivering the training. That was the inspiration behind this book.

We have been training teams in Scrum for about 3 years now. Over the last year we trained Certified ScrumMaster classes world wide. During this time we spent many hours preparing training plans, workbooks, flipcharts and slides. Our materials have been continually refined through feedback. All our courses use Training from the Back of the Room (TFTBOTR)principles.

This book is a collection of all our Scrum training materials. The aim is to help you get over the preparation hurdle and focus on training Scrum.

**The official spelling of ScrumMaster is one word, according to the Scrum Alliance.

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Growing Agile: A Coach’s Guide to Training Scrum
Forewords by Ron Jeffries and Sharon Bowman

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2 day Training Plans

  • Training Plans for a 2 day Scrum course
  • PDF

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1 day Training Plans

  • Training Plans for a 1 day Scrum course
  • PDF

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4C Template

  • Template to use to create your own 4C plans
  • PDF

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Lego Book

  • The Lego Zoo simulation – photos and stories
  • PDF

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[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left”][box]

Quiz Questions

  • Handout for quiz at the end of the course
  • PDF

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2 day Slides

  • The slide show for a 2 day course, ready for your details
  • PPTX

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1 day Slides

  • The slide show for a 1 day course, ready for your details
  • PPTX

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Agreement Cards

  • Trainer cards used during Getting Started
  • PDF

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Scrum Role Cards

  • Handout used for teaching Scrum Roles
  • PDF

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Feedback Forms

  • Handout used during the last section of the course
  • PDF

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2 day Workbook

  • A workbook with activities for a 2 day course
  • DOC

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1 day Workbook

  • A workbook with activities for a 1 day course
  • DOC

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Build Your Scrum

  • Handout used for teaching Scrum Framework
  • PDF

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[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left”][box]

Recap Cards

  • Handout used for Recap on second day
  • PDF

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[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left”]Bundle


Buy the bundle and save! The bundle includes: Agile Requirements, Agile Testing, Mastering Backlogs and Release Planning.

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1 thought on “Book Materials for Training Scrum”

  1. Pingback: Growing Agile: A Coach’s Guide to Training Scrum

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