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Test beyond Quality Software at #AgileTD

A Keynote by Mike Sutton at Agile Testing Days.

Firstly it was great to finally meet Mike in person after years of being twitter buddies. I love that a simple communication tool can bring together like minded people across the world.I also loved that Mike swore a lot. I don’t find it offensive – I find it expressive. He started his talk by saying “I swear quite a bit, but it’s tasteful”. I love this and might just be stealing this phrase from him.

Mike’s talk about taking personal responsibility and being accountable. It’s up to you to have fun and to add value.


How do you know if you are adding value? Don’t wait to be told why your are doing something and what the value add is. Instead just ask the question, and keep asking “why are we doing this”, and “who is this creating value for”?

Instead of asking “Who’s going to let me?” rather think “Who’s going to stop me?”

His keynote was inspiring and full of lovely stories. Mostly it make me think of large organisations where i often encounter people who complain a lot but don’t take accountability for their own happiness. How can we help them understand they can own their own destiny?