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Our web life in 2014

At the start of 2014 we looked at how our website was doing – comparing 2012 and 2013.
Here is that blog post:

We decided to do it again, so here is the comparative data from Google Analytics for 2014 and 2013.

We wanted to know what pages do people actually visit? Which blog posts were huge hits? Here is what I found …

Unique visitors: up 20% (WOW!!!) 

The average visit  dropped from 2:48min to 2:05min – we have been consciously writing shorter blog posts, so maybe that is why.

Then I looked at where people live, the majority of our visitors are American – they used to be South African!
Screenshot 2015-06-19 13.59.44

Country 2014 2013
US 24% 21%
SA 22% 29%
UK 8% 7%
India 5% 5%
Germany 5% 4%
Canada 3% 3%

And the browsers people are using? Chrome is the vast majority at 54%, and then Fire Fox at 13%.

And what operating systems are being used? Majority Windows at 55%, then Mac 22%, IOS 12%, Android 6%.cross-browser_0

As for our blog posts. In 2013 we published 53 blog posts and in 2014 we published 52 🙂 Our target of 1 a week is on track.

Amazingly the top blog post for 2013 and 2014 haven’t changed much:

The top 3 for 2014:

  1. Release Planning with Scrum
  2. Breaking Down User Stories
  3. Agile and Scrum Certification

and the top 3 blog posts for 2013:

  1. Release Planning with Scrum
  2. Breaking Down User Stories
  3. No More CSM by Growing Agile

We cheated and looked at the data for 2015 so far – it appears that we have 2 new contenders for best blog posts of the year:

    1. The ScrumMaster Skeleton
    2. The Testing Manifesto

Thanks for the support everyone 🙂