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Lean Coffee at #AgileTD

At Agile Testing Days I was lucky enough to attend all 3 days of Lean Coffee – hosted by Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory. I love Lean Coffees as they are only an hour, I usually get to meet some nice people and the topics are interesting. I also have a short attention span so listening to a topic for 8 minutes keeps my attention.

Day 1

Here are some of the topics we chatted about over the 3 sessions and my sketch notes of the sessions:

  • How do you motivate agile teams to test?
  • Do testers want to code?
  • How do you retain info from a conference?
  • Test Consultancy – a great idea if you have a shortage of testers


Day 2

  • How do you remove the test column? (and make it a show me?)
  • What did you learn yesterday? 15 min walk, Practise makes excellence, Games, Scaling Coaches
  • How do you prevent wasteful meetings?
  • How do we define the Definition of Ready?
  • How can we help our Product Owner?


Day 3

  • What was your 1 big lesson from yesterday? Lightning Talks, Change my opinion, Inspiring, How we learn TDD, Agile Games, Iā€™m not alone, Different titles – same role, explore – try – start small, escape room.
  • How to make the most of a conference?
  • How do you handle interruptions?
  • Quality Assistance – love this concept by Atlasssian
