On Monday we had our monthly retrospective and as usual we did a lot of thinking. One of the things was some thinking around our online video on Impediments.
We made this video as an experiment last year October. When it was done we placed it on Udemy for a cost of $9, and gave away vouchers to make it $5 (You can’t set a cost lower than $9 on Udemy). We wanted to see if people would pay for an online video. For us the answer is no. We didn’t get that many sales. We were disappointed. Making a video is an expensive exercise and a lot of work.
The outcome that we have decided on – for now – is to not make anymore videos. Instead we will focus on our book series. Keep an eye out in our newsletters for news on this.
An update for our German readers, Rolf Katzenberger has translated our impediment words to German. Check it out here: http://www.pragmatic-teams.de/hinderniswoerter