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Growing Agile: A Coach’s Guide to Training Scrum

Its finally 100% complete!

Thanks to our editor and various friends for providing notes and tips to make it a better book. Thanks also to all those who took a chance and purchased a half finished book.

Our book is available as an online book only and can be purchased via LeanPub or Amazon. (We get more money if you use LeanPub!)

As all formats are very special – we focussed on the PDF and Kindle for IPad. They will give you the best layout. In order for us to do well on Amazon we need many reviews – so please take the time to do this for us – Thanks!

Don’t forget that the book includes all materials like: training plans, workbooks, slides, handouts. We hope that this inspires and invigorates your Scrum training.


[box]Growing Agile: A Coach’s Guide to Training Scrum


book_coverPart of the ScrumMaster role is to ensure everyone on their team is educated about Scrum and to evangalise Scrum to their organisation. Over the last few years we have come across many ScrumMasters who have great intentions of running training and then get bogged down in the planning and preparation and don’t ever get round to doing the training.

We have been training teams in Scrum for about 3 years now. Over the last year we trained Certified ScrumMaster classes world wide. During this time we have spent many hours preparing training plans and creating workbooks, flipcharts and slides. Our materials have been continual refined from feedback after each course. All our training uses Training from the Back of the Room principles.

This book is a collection of all of our materials. It will help you plan and deliver interactive, fun Scrum Training for anything from a short workshop on a particular topic to a full 2 day course. If you buy the book you will also get access to our slides, participant workbook, exercise handouts and training plans.
