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Coding Dojo – Experience one, Run one!

At the South African Scrum Gathering this year (#sgza) I did a talk on Coding Dojos. It was a bit out of my comfort zone – my technical days are many years behind behind me!

I had 2 goals:

1) Get ScrumMasters to see that you don’t need to be technical to run a Coding Dojo (so you can do this with your teams)

2) Get developers to experience one and inspire them to start this, or do it more often.

It was awesome! I was really glad I had asked Aslam Khan to help me out. Having someone with experience to answer some technical questions was useful. We ended up having 7 pairs, most with 1 dev and 1 non-dev.

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Here is the handout for the String Calculator Kata: [button link=”” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Download[/button]

Here are the slides: (also on slideshare)


1 thought on “Coding Dojo – Experience one, Run one!”

  1. Pingback: Coding Dojo’s | AgilePath

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