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Hello and welcome to 2016!

Karen and I are hard at work setting up – be sure to go sign up and be notified when it is ready! This is part of our crazy goal of inspiring 1 million agile coaches across the world.

We believe all ScrumMasters, managers, Product Owners, team members and everyone else can benefit from coaching skills and from agile awareness. So we have created A place where you can find useful info (and contribute) and eventually a place that will guide you through some info and help you one up your coaching skills.

Perhaps you would like to learn more about Powerful Questions, or Coding Dojos, or Facilitation? Well we have some info you can use 🙂

The site will be live by 1 Feb and slowly changing between now and then…. very exciting … 1 million coaches … are you one of them?

Go signup now:

UPDATE: In 2017 we retired AgilePath as we found most of the content we were putting on this site. So really you can find everything here on the Growing Agile website!