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Agile Ci2i

Last month (9 – 11 February 2015) we attended the Scrum Coach Retreat in South Africa. Karen found herself in a group that was focussed on learning to coach management through success and failure stories from other coaches. They created Agile Ci2i.

One of the common themes at the coach retreat was how to get senior managers and C-level executives to understand the mindset, culture and environment that is required for agile to succeed. As coaches we have the experience to see when a company culture will make agile easy to adopt, or vice versa. However many coaches struggle to coach senior leaders to help them understand this point of view.

We decided that the best approach to the problem was to pool our knowledge and stories of similar situations in trying to get management to adopt a new mindset. We wanted to create a platform that could live far beyond the retreat and get more people contributing. The more contributors the greater the knowledge base. So we created Agile Ci2i (pronounced see eye to eye). It’s a wordpress site, and anyone in the agile community can apply to get author rights. Just email us. Currently we have 5 scenarios, with more planned in the future.

Agile Ci2i

Read the content we have so far.
Add some of your own ideas.
And help us spread the word.