You’re not doing usability testing? Are you…nuts?
Steve Krug
Another great Agile Australia 2016 keynote from Steve Krug, probably my favourite talk from the conference. He shared some great tips on how to actually get started doing usability testing. My biggest insight was that 90% of your problems are obvious to anyone not involved in building the product, so recruiting specific users to match your market is much less important when you are getting started. You can literally ask anyone.
Steve did a live usability test of the New Zealand web site for visa’s during the talk. Having just gone through the process of trying to determine if we need visas and what visas we require for both Australia and New Zealand, it was great to see someone else struggle with exactly the same issues. This really proved Steve’s point about how most usability issues are blindingly obvious.
Here are Sam’s sketchnotes from the talk.