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Today We Met!

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Recently we decided to get together as the full Growing Agile team, all four of us now! There was one main reason for this, to meet in person for the first time.

Well saying that, I have met Rebecca many times, in fact we’ve been doing quite a bit of training together over the last year or so, but it’s always nice to meet up and catch up. Yogini I’ve also met quite a few times in person, going back many years to SUGSA gatherings where she has been a regular speaker, but since she joined Growing Agile and we’ve been working closely together I had only had the chance to meet her in person a couple of times. Nilesh however I’d never met in person. Nilesh only became friends with us through our lean coffees which are virtual events held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. As Nilesh joined us as a 4th coach in the team I really wanted us all to get together and spend some time in person getting to know each other better.

We had dinner together on the thursday evening where we invited a few other agilists to come join us to. It was a fun evening with great conversation, but I was more looking forward to the next day, Friday, where we spent the day on what we call a ‘Grow Day’.

A Grow Day can be many things, a chance to share new ideas, create new content, explore avenues for new ventures and even just retrospect on how we are doing and what we want to be going forward. On this particular Grow Day, one of the many conversations was around writing blog posts and how nice it would be for each of us to share thoughts or insights via this medium. The hardest part about writing a blog post though, is deciding what to write about!

Then we somehow stumbled across the idea of using Geoff Watts Team Mastery book as inspiration for content. I quickly got in touch with Geoff to ask if he’s be ok with it, and he loved the idea. So here is the first blog of probably many based around the tear out milestone cards in his book Team Mastery. The idea is that we can look at those cards and think back to when we experienced that moment with a team we were working with, or maybe we were even in that team as a team member.

For myself, the ‘Today we met each other for the first time’ milestone card jumped out because of our Grow Day. It was so powerful because it was in person. And whilst technology has advanced tremendously to help us do most things remote, there is just something different and tacit about meeting face to face and sharing a hug.

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If you want to get your own personal copy of Geoff Watts book ‘Team Mastery’ we are selling them directly in South Africa to save you shipping costs. Find out more here

If you would like an invite to our regular lean coffee, please send us an email to and we’ll send you an invite for the series!
