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Coming Soon

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Do you want to take your Agile adoption to the next level?


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This book features a collection of workshops to help you unlock a software team’s full potential and unleash value for your customer. For coaches, developers, leaders, product owners and Scrum masters:

  • Identify the current stage of your journey.

  • Value what you’ve already achieved.

  • Take it to the next level.

  • Create the results that your customers need and that your teams love to deliver.

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When you understand how teams develop, you can help them master the skills and practices that fit your organisation best—because one-size Agile never did fit all.  This book will help you check your current Agile roadmap and plan the rest of your journey. These workshops will help you coach best-fit Agile, and unleash the value you need for your product and your customers.


We’ve observed that Agile teams develop through four distinct stages of fluency. Fluency is how a team develops software when it’s under pressure. Anyone can follow a set of practices when given time to focus in a classroom; true fluency is a skillful, routine practice that persists when your mind is distracted with other things.

— James Shore and Diana Larsen


These workshops will show you how to use the Agile Fluency™ Model with the organisations you coach. Help your teams master the skills and practices they need for each stage of their journey.

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About the author:

I want you to create the kind of Agile transformation that works. Your transformation must fit your needs and deliver lasting results. I coach software teams, and the Agile Fluency Model helps me find the value in every team I coach. Instead of asking if an organization is Agile or not, I ask “How can I help this organisation realize the benefits they need?” The question about benefits, leads to a conversation about investments. The conversation about investments leads to a strategy for developing fluent teams.

The model inspires me. I use it to inspire teams to do something better. Too many people say “We’ve tried Agile, and it just didn’t work”.  I know Agile works, and I know the model works to coach best-fit Agile teams. I want to show you how make Agile work for your teams.

The Agile Fluency Model is a trademark of James Shore and Diana Larsen.

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